97+ Dodgeball Puns & Jokes: You Can’t Avoid the Laughter!

Get ready to duck, dodge, and laugh your socks off because we’re serving up the best dodgeball jokes this side of the court! πŸ˜‚ This list of puns and humor is perfect for kids and adults alike – anyone who appreciates a clever quip about this ball-bopping game. From throws so funny you’ll cry to puns so sharp they could win a game, get ready for a winning dose of dodgeball humor! πŸ†

Top Dodgeball Jokes – Best Picks

  1. Why did the dodgeball team hire a hypnotist? They heard he was great at improving their focus.
  2. I used to be a dodgeball champion… …But then it hit me, I could just move out of the way.
  3. What’s the most terrifying word in dodgeball? “Grenade!” …unless you’re playing with water balloons. Then it’s just refreshing.
  4. What’s a doctor’s favorite part about dodgeball? Dodging malpractice suits! badum tss
  5. My friend tried to invent a dodgeball-playing robot… …But it kept throwing the game.
  6. What do you call a game of dodgeball with no players? A ball-dling experience.
  7. Why did the dodgeball go to the bank? To get a loan! It was flat broke.
  8. I’m starting to think my friend isn’t taking this dodgeball tournament seriously… I mean, he named our team “Target Practice”.
  9. Why don’t they allow scissors in the dodgeball arena? Too much risk of a catch and release program!
  10. You know you’re bad at dodgeball when… …the wall tries to dodge your throws.
  11. I told my friend to work on his dodgeball skills… He said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this covered.” He lied. We were covered in bruises.
  12. Dating a dodgeball player is intense… It’s all fun and games until someone throws a ring on it.
  13. Why do math books hate dodgeball? They keep getting thrown off shelves!
  14. Why don’t ghosts play dodgeball? They’re already experts at dematerializing under pressure.
  15. I went to a dodgeball game and saw the weirdest thing… The losing team actually caught the winning point. Talk about a twist!
Ultimate collection of Best Dodgeball Jokes and Puns, One-liners, Dad Jokes, Funny Quotes, and Captions - Discover engaging and humorous content at PunnyHub.com

Clever Dodgeball Puns – Best Picks

  1. I tried to join a dodgeball league, but I kept getting thrown out.
  2. That dodgeball player is really throw-ing his life away.
  3. What do you call a bear that’s amazing at dodgeball? A dodgeball champi-on!
  4. Don’t be afraid to take a chance on dodgeball. You might just catch a break. πŸ˜‰
  5. I’m so good at dodgeball, I can dodge your questions about it. 😜
  6. Dodgeball is like life: you’ve gotta be quick on your feet and even quicker on the catch.
  7. Dodgeball: The only sport where it’s socially acceptable to throw things at people.
  8. I’m writing a book about dodgeball. It’s got a lot of good points.
  9. What do you call a game of dodgeball between two skeletons? A bone-jarring experience! πŸ’€
  10. My biggest pet peeve? People who dodgeball and tell. 🀫
  11. Dodgeball: Where your survival instincts meet your competitive spirit.
  12. I used to play dodgeball professionally, but then the hits to my ego became too much.
  13. Dodgeball: It’s all fun and games until someone gets… eliminated! 😈
  14. I love the smell of dodgeball in the morning… it smells like victory! πŸ’ͺ
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Funny Dodgeball One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Dodgeball Jokes

  1. I tried to join a dodgeball league, but they said I was too elusive. They called me “The Unhittable.”
  2. I’m not saying I’m good at dodgeball, but I can dodge a wrench.
  3. I’m opening a seafood restaurant called “Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy.” It’s going to be right next door to my dodgeball bar, “Balls to the Walls.”
  4. I wanted to start a band called “Dodgeball.” We were gonna play really loud, aggressive music… or not, you wouldn’t be able to tell with us.
  5. I went to a dodgeball game and saw a fight break out. It was intense, balls were flying everywhere.
  6. You know what they call dodgeball in Spain? No idea, but I bet they don’t call it β€œEsquiva la Pelota.” Too obvious, right?
  7. My therapist told me to use dodgeball as a healthy outlet for my anger. Turns out assault ISN’T a healthy outlet.
  8. What do you call it when a dodgeball player gets audited by the IRS? A tax return you don’t want to catch!
  9. Why did the dodgeball team hire a hypnotist? They wanted to improve their focus…and make their opponents think they were chickens!
  10. I used to be a dodgeball coach. Let’s just say it was in my blood…until I got fired.
  11. You know, dodgeball is a lot like dating. It’s all fun and games until you get hit in the face.
  12. What does an optimistic dodgeball player say? β€œI’m catching on!”
  13. I used to have a dodgeball signed by Patches O’Houlihan… then it hit me in the face and knocked me unconscious.
  14. “Did you hear about the dodgeball game that got rained out? They say it was called on account of fowl ball.”
  15. I’m writing a romance novel about competitive dodgeball players. I think I’ll call it β€œThe Fault in Our Throws.”

Dodgeball QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Dodgeball

  1. Q: Why did the dodgeball team hire a hypnotist? A: They wanted to improve their focus!
  2. Q: What do you call a game of dodgeball played with only lawyers? A: A suit-uation you don’t want to be caught in!
  3. Q: How do you know you’re at a really intense dodgeball game? A: The referees wear catcher’s masks!
  4. Q: What did the dodgeball say to the player? A: “Catch me if you can…. Actually, on second thought, please don’t!”
  5. Q: What’s a dodgeball player’s favorite drink? A: Anything they can get their hands on… as long as they don’t drop it!
  6. Q: Why did the dodgeball quit its job? A: It was tired of getting thrown under the bus!
  7. Q: How can you tell someone is a champion dodgeball player? A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.
  8. Q: What type of music do dodgeball players listen to? A: Anything with a good beat… that they can dodge to!
  9. Q: Why did the artist love playing dodgeball? A: It allowed them to dodge their creative block!
  10. Q: How do you organize a dodgeball tournament in space? A: You planet carefully… very carefully!
  11. Q: What do you call a shy person on a dodgeball team? A: An easy target… but don’t be fooled, they might surprise you!
  12. Q: Why are ghosts such bad dodgeball players? A: The balls just go right through them!
  13. Q: What happens when you bring a dodgeball to a bank? A: You get kicked out for trying to bounce a check!
  14. Q: Why was the math book bad at dodgeball? A: It kept getting divided into teams!
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Dad Jokes About Dodgeball: Pun-Filled Quips

  1. Why did the dodgeball coach tell his team to split up? He wanted them to cover more area!
  2. I used to be a professional dodgeball referee, but I had to quit. The pressure was unbearable.
  3. What did the doctor say to the kid who got hit in the face with a dodgeball? “Try to catch your breath… or what’s left of it!”
  4. My son wanted to play dodgeball with limes… I told him, “Sorry, that’s just wrong on so many levels.”
  5. How can you tell someone is a dodgeball champion? They dodge the question!
  6. I saw a sign that said “Dodgeball Tryouts Today.” So I thought, “Why not? I could use a little dodgeball in my life.”
  7. Never get into an argument with a dodgeball. They always have a comeback!
  8. My wife says I spend too much time thinking about dodgeball… But I just can’t seem to shake it off.
  9. What do you call it when a dodgeball team travels by boat? A ball cruise!
  10. Did you hear about the dodgeball game between the ghosts and zombies? It was a real throw-down!
  11. I tried to join a dodgeball league, but they said I was too intense. Apparently, I took it too seriously…and by seriously, I mean literally.
  12. You know a dodgeball game is getting serious when even the spectators start ducking.
  13. What’s a dodgeball player’s favorite dance move? The dodge, dip, duck, dive, and… dodge!

Dodgeball Jokes and Puns for Kids

  1. Why did the dodgeball quit the team? Because it was tired of getting hit!
  2. What do you call a bear that’s really good at dodgeball? A dodgeball champi-on!
  3. What did the ocean say to the dodgeball? Nothing, it just waved!
  4. How do you know someone is bad at dodgeball? They always get caught in a sticky situation!
  5. Why did the coach tell the team to use their heads in the dodgeball game? Because he didn’t want them to lose their marbles!
  6. Never play dodgeball in space… It’s really hard to throw the planets!
  7. What’s a snake’s favorite game to play? Dodgeball…because they’re very good at slithering out of the way!
  8. Why did the silly goose bring a ladder to the dodgeball game? He heard it was a high-scoring game!
  9. Why did the dodgeball go to the hospital? It got hit too hard and was feeling deflated!
  10. You know you’re playing too much dodgeball when… you start dodging vegetables at dinner!
  11. My friend is so good at dodgeball, they call him “The Wall.” I just call him “Target Practice”!
  12. What does a pizza chef yell during a dodgeball game? “Dodge this!” throws a pizza dough
  13. What’s a vampire’s favorite sport besides bat-minton? Dodge-bat!
  14. What did the shy ball say before the dodgeball game? “Please try to avoid me!”
  15. Why was the math book bad at dodgeball? It always got the angles wrong!

Dodgeball Jokes and Puns for Elders

  1. “I tried to join a senior dodgeball league…” pauses, adjusts hearing aid “…but they said I played too aggressively.” shakes fist playfully
  2. You know you’re getting old when you’re playing dodgeball and… whispers your hip goes out before you do.
  3. My doctor recommended dodgeball for my arthritis. leans in conspiratorially Seems counterintuitive, but he says it’s all about “impact management”.
  4. They say dodgeball keeps you young. chuckles Either that, or it just reminds you how good you used to be at dodging life’s curveballs.
  5. I told my grandkids I was quite the dodgeball champion back in the day. winks Let’s just say I’ve always been good at avoiding responsibility.
  6. What’s the difference between dodgeball and life? smirks In dodgeball, you can actually see the balls coming your way.
  7. My retirement home started a dodgeball league. raises eyebrows We call it “Wrinkle Ball”. It’s surprisingly competitive.
  8. I tried explaining the strategy of dodgeball to my grandson. gestures vaguely He just rolled his eyes and said, “Grandpa, it’s not rocket surgery.”
  9. My physical therapist suggested dodgeball for balance training. shrugs Personally, I think he’s just trying to pad his retirement fund with my inevitable fall injuries.
  10. Why did the senior citizen refuse to play dodgeball in the dark? leans in, stage whisper Because it was too hard to see who he was trying to hit!
  11. My friend claims he invented a new dodgeball move called “The Osteoporosis.” grimaces dramatically Apparently, it involves a lot of groaning and falling down.
  12. They say dodgeball is a great way to relieve stress. chuckles wryly Personally, I find arguing with the TV remote just as effective, and far less strenuous.
  13. I’m thinking of writing a book about my dodgeball experiences. winks I’m calling it “Dodging Responsibilities: A Memoir”.
  14. Why did the senior citizen bring a walker to the dodgeball game? deadpan delivery Because he wanted to show those youngsters what a real moving target looked like.
  15. I don’t need dodgeball to feel young again. pats chest confidently I just remember what it was like to win at life…before the internet bill arrived.
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Dodgeball Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media

  1. I tried to join a dodgeball league, but they said I was being too elusive. They just couldn’t handle my moves! #dodgeballproblems
  2. My friend said dodgeball is mostly mental. I threw a ball at his head and said, “Tell that to my hand.” #savage #dodgeball
  3. Why did the dodgeball blush? Because it saw the gym shorts! #dodgeballpickuplines #smooth
  4. Dodgeball: The only time it’s socially acceptable to throw things at your friends. #truestory #friendshipgoals
  5. How can you tell if someone played dodgeball as a kid? They apologize before they hit you with their car. #sorrynotsorry #dodgeballskills
  6. Went to a dodgeball game last night. It was intense! The tension was palpable… and so were the balls. #dodgeballaction #youhadtobethere
  7. Just got kicked out of a dodgeball league… Apparently, “dodging responsibilities” wasn’t the type of dodging they were looking for. #misunderstood #dodgeballpro
  8. Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle… preferably with someone who can handle my dodgeball skills. #singlelife #dodgeballdating
  9. You know you’re getting old when you start playing dodgeball and your back hurts more than your pride. #gettingold #worthit
  10. What’s the difference between a dodgeball player and a bad dancer? Rhythm. One has it, the other gets hit by it. #dodgeballwisdom #boomroasted
  11. Sleep is for the weak. Dodgeball is for the bold. And for those who enjoy a good bruise or two. #nopainnogain #dodgeballstrong
  12. My therapist suggested I take up dodgeball to deal with my anger issues… So far, I’ve hit three therapists. #progress? #dodgeballtherapy
  13. I’m not saying I’m good at dodgeball, but I’ve never been hit by the same ball twice. Technically speaking… #logic #dodgeballmaster

Dodge this: You’ve reached peak pun-ishment!

We hope these dodgeball puns didn’t knock you out! If you’re still standing after that onslaught of humor, don’t tap out just yet. Duck, dodge, and dive your way over to our website for even more hilarious puns and jokes that are sure to score laughs!

Rabia Noreen & Team

Rabia Noreen: The Punnovator

Hi, I'm Rabia, the lead punster behind PunnyHub.com, alongside my incredible team. With a background in Comparative Literature, I specialize in turning phrases and crafting chuckles. My team and I are committed to delivering humor that not only entertains but enlightens. Every post we share is designed to sprinkle your day with laughter and a dash of wit. Find your Best Puns & Jokes.

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