93+ Mezcal Puns & Jokes: You’re Looking Agave!
Hey there, fellow agave aficionados! 🌵 Get ready to shake your maracas with laughter because we’ve got a list of mezcal jokes and puns that are so funny, they’ll make you shout “¡Olé!” 😂 Whether you’re a connoisseur of clever wordplay or just looking for some good humor for kids and adults alike, we’ve got the best mezcal jokes this side of Oaxaca. Get ready for a fiesta of puns, because these jokes are smokier than a well-aged tequila! 😉
Clever Mezcal Puns – Top Picks
- Feeling Mezcal-mannered? (Well-mannered)
- Having a mezcal-function? (Malfunction)
- That’s so mezcal-placed! (Misplaced)
- Don’t be mezcal-chievous! (Mischievous)
- Total mezcal-ing link! (Missing link)
- You’re mezcal-culating that. (Miscalculating)
- What a mezcal-fortune! (Misfortune)
- You’re mezcal-informed. (Misinformed)
- Don’t mezcal-understand me! (Misunderstand)
- It’s a mezcal-take! (Mistake)
- That’s mezcal-leading! (Misleading)
- What a mezcal-hap! (Mishap)
- This is mezcal-erable! (Miserable)
- You’re mezcal-interpreting that. (Misinterpreting)
- Definitely a mezcal-adventure! (Misadventure)

Top Mezcal Jokes – Best Picks
- Why don’t they play cards at the mezcal distillery? Because someone always gets agave-way with cheating!
- I tried to make a mezcal cocktail, but I think I messed up. It tastes a little too espiritu-al.
- What do you call a mezcal worm that’s always getting into trouble? A little agave-go!
- What did the mezcal say to the tequila at the bar? “Hey cousin, long time no agave-see!”
- I saw a guy walking a worm on a leash outside a mezcal bar… I guess you could say he was a real agave-enthusiast.
- Why did the mezcal get lost in the supermarket? It took a wrong turn down the agave nectar aisle!
- I met a guy who’s a professional mezcal taster. He has the smokiest job I agave-er heard of.
- What’s a mezcal lover’s favorite dance move? The Agave-ncia!
- I think my mezcal is judging me… It keeps giving me this smokey agave-stare.
- What do you call a sad agave plant? Feeling a little blue-gave.
- You know you’ve had too much mezcal when… You start speaking fluent Espadin.
- I drank mezcal before my pottery class… I created the most agave-nt-garde vase the instructor had ever seen.
- I only drink mezcal on days that end in “y”… Okay, who am I kidding? Agave-over it!
- Why is mezcal so smooth? It’s agave-no rough edges!
Funny Mezcal One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Mezcal Jokes
- I tried to explain to my friend what mezcal is, but he just looked at me with a glazed over expression. I guess it went right over his agave.
- What do you call a mezcal made with rebellious agave? An Espadin-sive choice.
- My friend said he wanted to try the “smokiest” mezcal I had. I handed him a bottle of scotch and said, “Hold my agave.”
- Why did the mezcal bottle get lost? It took a wrong turn at the agave.
- You know you’ve had too much mezcal when you start seeing a little worm at the bottom of every glass…and it starts winking.
- Mezcal: Not tequila’s smoky cousin, but its cooler older brother.
- I told my therapist about my mezcal obsession. He said, “Sounds like you’ve got a bit of a drinking problem.” I said, “No, I’ve got a drinking solution!”
- My doctor told me to drink more water every day. Good thing mezcal is partially made of water.
- I think my mezcal is trying to tell me something. Every time I open the bottle, it says, “Agave you been?”
- What do you call a mezcal that’s always getting into trouble? Agave of influence.
- You’re not truly an adult until you can tell the difference between tequila and mezcal blindfolded. Just kidding, please don’t do that.
- I’m writing a song about mezcal…it’s got a real nice agave to it.
- Life is too short to drink boring liquor. Live a little! Order the mezcal.
- I only drink mezcal on two occasions: when it’s my birthday…and when it’s not.
- You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy mezcal, and that’s basically the same thing.
Mezcal QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Mezcal
- Q: What did the agave say to the mezcal distiller? A: “Tequila much for the opportunity, but I think I’ll be mezcal.”
- Q: Why did the mezcal bottle win an award? A: It was outstanding in its field.
- Q: How do you know someone had a good time drinking mezcal? A: They wake up with a smoky memory and a craving for more.
- Q: What’s a mezcal lover’s favorite dance move? A: The Worm! (But hopefully not literally after too many shots).
- Q: You seem like you’re in a good mood, did you drink some mezcal? A: Nope, I’m just feeling mezcal-tastic!
- Q: I tried to make mezcal at home, but I messed up the distillation. What happened? A: Sounds like it was a total mezc-aster!
- Q: What do you call a mezcal cocktail served on a tiny surfboard? A: A shot-and-mez-go!
- Q: What’s the difference between mezcal and tequila? A: Tequila whispers “Let’s party!” Mezcal shouts “Hold my agave!”
- Q: How do you make a mezcal disappear? A: You “mezcal” up and drink it!
- Q: What kind of music do they play at the mezcal distillery? A: Anything they want, it’s their agave-nda!
- Q: I’d love another mezcal, but I have to drive. What should I do? A: Call a cab! Don’t be a mezc-hazard.
- Q: My friend said he prefers tequila, but I’m determined to change his mind. What should I do? A: Just offer him a sip of yours. Actions speak louder than wurds – or should I say, mezcal words?
- Q: Did you hear about the mezcal that got lost? A: It’s okay, it eventually found its way agave!
- Q: Why don’t they play poker in the agave fields? A: Too much bluffing, and those plants have all the good poker ‘faces’!
- Q: My doctor said I need to drink less mezcal. What’s your take? A: Hey, I’m not qualified to give medical agave-ice… seek a professional!
Dad Jokes About Mezcal: Pun-Filled Quips
- I tried to make a Mezcal cocktail, but I mez-calculated the proportions.
- You know what they say about Mezcal? Sip it slow, or your night will go mez-zalto!
- This Mezcal is so smooth, it’s like mez-merizing!
- My friend tried to start a Mezcal brand with no experience… I told him, “You mez-gotta be kidding me!”
- Don’t worry, that spill on my shirt is just a little mez-calamity. Nothing a little more mezcal can’t fix!
- My doctor told me to cut back on the Mezcal. I told him, “Hey, don’t mez-ter with my agave ritual!”
- I wanted to have just one sip of Mezcal, but I got carried away. You could say I went mez-whole hog!
- What do you call a Mezcal you find on sale? A mez-cellent deal!
- My wife gets mad when I talk about Mezcal too much. She says it’s become my mez-muse!
- Why did the Mezcal blush? Because it saw the tequila!
- My friend tried to tell me Mezcal isn’t that strong. I just gave him a mez-chievous grin.
- I tried to make a Mezcal margarita, but I think I mez-sed up the recipe.
- They say Mezcal makes you see double, but after a few shots, it all looks mez-merizingly single to me!
- I love having Mezcal after a long day. It’s truly mez-morizing!
Mezcal Jokes and Puns for Kids
- What did the mommy agave say to the baby agave? “Don’t you worry, everything is going to be mezcal-some!”
- What did the little worm say to the mezcal? “This is my kind of swim-uation!”
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Agave. Agave who? Agave you a hug because you’re so awesome!
- What’s a worm’s favorite dance? The Mezcalena!
- What happens when you mix chocolate and mezcal? You get a mezcal-y treat…that’s only for grown-ups!
- What do you call a silly agave? A goof-gave!
- What did the agave say on a hot day? “I’m thirst-ay for some sunshine!”
- Why do agave plants make good friends? They’re succulent!
- What’s an agave’s favorite game? Hide and seek-ulent!
- What did the agave say to the sun? “You really brighten my day!”
- What did the mezcal say to the lime? “You’re looking sharp today!”
- Why did the agave get lost? It took a wrong turn at the stalk market!
- I’m not sure how to feel about this mezcal…it’s growing on me! Let me know if you’d like some more punny fun! 😊
Mezcal Jokes and Puns for Elders
- My doctor told me to take up drinking mezcal for my health. I said, “Are you agave me?”
- I tried to explain mezcal to my grandson. I told him, “It’s like tequila’s smoky older brother who went to college.” He just stared at me blankly. Kids these days…
- You know you’re getting old when happy hour is a mezcal tasting. At least it’s good for the digestion… or is it the other way around?
- What do you call a mezcal that makes you see double? A two-for-one special.
- My financial advisor said I shouldn’t be spending so much on high-end mezcal. I told him, “Don’t tell me how to agave my money!”
- I used to have a drinking problem. Now, I have a mezcal collection. It’s called aging gracefully.
- My joints are aching, my back is sore, but at least I have this mezcal. Every sip is like a tiny vacation from the reality of being 70.
- Why don’t they serve mezcal at funerals? Because it’s for celebrating life, not forgetting it!
- I asked for my mezcal “neat.” The bartender said, “You look pretty put-together to me.”
- What’s the difference between mezcal and a rocking chair? They both get you feeling good, but only one makes you yell, “Yee-haw!”
- It’s not “drinking alone” if you’re enjoying a good mezcal. It’s called “sophisticated solitude.”
- They say millennials are killing the wine industry. Don’t worry, they’ll come around to mezcal eventually. We all get wiser with age…
- Life is too short for cheap tequila. And terrible coffee, and bad company. But mostly cheap tequila.
Mezcal Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media
- Mezc-all my friends say I’m overreacting, but this worm at the bottom of my glass is staring at me.
- What do you call a mezcal that always spills? A sip-tastrophe!
- Went to a mezcal tasting. Turns out I’m a lightweight…or as I like to call it, “mez-calibrated.”
- My therapist told me to embrace my mistakes. So I’m embracing this mezcal. 🥃
- Me: I think I need to take a break from mezcal. Also me: Just one mez-callll more!
- You know you’ve had too much mezcal when… you start seeing double agave plants.
- What’s a mezcal enthusiast’s favorite band? Red Hot Chili Peppers! (Get it? Worms…nevermind.) 🌶️
- Life is too short for boring drinks. Have a mezcal! Or three.
- My doctor said I need to cut back on the mezcal. Guess I’ll just have to listen to my gut…which is full of mezcal.
- Mezc-understand this: life is better with a little agave magic. ✨
- I’m not saying I’m obsessed with mezcal, but I do dream in smoky agave fields.
- What’s the difference between mezcal and tequila? One’s a great time, and the other one is made from blue agave.
- Weekend forecast: 100% chance of mezcal. 🍹
- Sorry for what I said when I wasn’t drinking mezcal.
- Just took a DNA test. Turns out, I’m 100% that mezcal friend. 🧬😂