104+ Pigeon Jokes & Puns: You’ll Coo With Laughter

Get ready to laugh your feathers off because this post is for the birds…literally! 🐦 We’ve got a flock of the best pigeon jokes and puns that’ll have you cooing with laughter. 😂 This list of clever and funny jokes for kids is perfect for anyone who appreciates a good pun or a bit of bird-brained humor. Get ready to giggle, chuckle, and maybe even squawk with laughter – these jokes are truly impeccable! ✨

Top Pigeon Jokes – Best Picks

  1. What do you get when two pigeons fall in love? > A “tweet-heart” story for the ages.
  2. How do pigeons make tough decisions? > They “wing” it!
  3. What’s a pigeon’s favorite Shakespeare play? > “A Mid-Wing Night’s Dream.”
  4. What does a pigeon say after a job well done? > “Coo-dos! We really flew the coop on that one.”
  5. Why are pigeons such good navigators? > They have an internal “coo-mpass.”
  6. Why did the pigeon get in trouble at school? > It was caught “winging” it on the test.
  7. Did you hear about the pigeon who became a magician? > He could make bread crumbs disappear with a single “coo!”
  8. What do you call a pigeon that can’t fly? > A “walkie-talkie.”
  9. Why did the pigeon cross the road? > To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  10. What do you call a pigeon that works at a construction site? > A “brick-coo-layer.”
  11. What’s a pigeon’s favorite genre of music? > “Coo-ntry” and “Coo-by Doo Wop.”
  12. Why don’t pigeons use email? > They prefer to send messages by “coo-rier pigeon.”
  13. Why are pigeons so good at poker? > They always have a wing up their…feather.
Ultimate collection of Best Pigeon Jokes and Puns, One-liners, Dad Jokes, Funny Quotes, and Captions - Discover engaging and humorous content at PunnyHub.com

Clever Pigeon Puns – Best Picks

  1. What do you call a pigeon that’s always getting into trouble? A bird-ain!
  2. Why did the pigeon get a job at the library? To bookworm its way into a free lunch!
  3. What’s a pigeon’s favorite type of magic? Slight of wing.
  4. Why did the pigeon refuse to share its food? It was being cheep.
  5. What did the pigeon say when it landed on the chessboard? Coo can play too!
  6. How does a pigeon get ready for a date? They use a coo-t of hair gel.
  7. Why did the pigeon cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken… or gull-ible enough to fall for that old trick again.
  8. What do you call a pigeon that delivers mail for the Queen? A royal mail bird!
  9. I saw a pigeon wearing a tiny tuxedo today. He looked very coo-llectible.
  10. Why are pigeons such good dancers? They have natural rhythm and cooordination.
  11. A pigeon walked into a bar and said, “I’m looking for the man who shot my father!” The bartender replied, “Well, you’re certainly in the right plaice.”
  12. What do you get if you cross a pigeon with a woodpecker? A bird that delivers telegrams! You know, a coo-rier pigeon?
  13. Why don’t pigeons ever use umbrellas? They think they’re too coo-l for them.
  14. I’m writing a song about pigeons. It’s a real coo de grace.
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Funny Pigeon One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Pigeon Jokes

  1. I tried training a carrier pigeon to deliver messages faster, but I think I rushed the pigeon-delivery. 🐦
  2. This morning a pigeon flew into the bank, but apparently, he couldn’t pull off a coo. 🐦
  3. A pigeon just told me a secret. He seemed trustworthy, after all, he was a stool pigeon. 🐦
  4. I saw a pigeon wearing a tiny raincoat, galoshes, and carrying a mini umbrella. That’s one prepared pigeon. 🐦
  5. What’s a pigeon’s favorite dance move? The coo-coo slide! 🐦
  6. I tried explaining to the pigeon that the bus was full. He just gave me a blank stare. Guess you could say he was a bit bird-brained. 🐦
  7. Started a band with a bunch of pigeons. We mostly play lo-fi beats. We call ourselves “The Coo-lective”. 🐦
  8. Pigeon walks into a library, flies straight to the shelves, and knocks over all the books. Librarian shouts, “Hey! What’s the big idea?” Pigeon shrugs and says, “Just winging it!”🐦
  9. My friend says he can speak pigeon. I told him to prove it, “Ask that one what its name is.” He just shrugged and said, “They’re all named Pidgeon, duh.” 🐦
  10. Heard a rumor that pigeons are actually trained spies… Can’t tell if it’s true or if someone’s just pulling my leg. 🐦
  11. Someone’s been leaving bread crumbs all over my car. I suspect fowl play… or maybe just a pigeon with good taste. 🐦
  12. I thought I saw a pigeon carrying a tiny suitcase. Turns out he was just migrating… or going on a bird-cation! 🐦
  13. I used to work in a pigeon mail delivery service. Tough job. High turnover. Lots of pressure to meet deadlines. Always someone waiting for their package. 🐦
  14. What did the pigeon say after he won the lottery? “Coo-hoo! I’m rich!” 🐦
  15. Why don’t pigeons ever use Amazon? They have Prime mating season! 🐦

Pigeon QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Pigeon

  1. Q: Why did the pigeon get a job at the bank? A: Because he was great at handling bills!
  2. Q: What do you call a pigeon that can’t find its way home? A: A bird-brained lost soul!
  3. Q: How do pigeons send secret messages? A: By carrier pigeon, of course!
  4. Q: What do you call a group of pigeons that start a band? A: The Coo Coo Birds!
  5. Q: Why did the pigeon cross the playground? A: To get to the other slide… he heard it had a great view!
  6. Q: What’s a pigeon’s favorite type of music? A: Anything with a good beat… and plenty of crumbs!
  7. Q: Why did the pigeon get in trouble at school? A: He kept coo-ing during class!
  8. Q: What do you call a pigeon that’s always getting into fights? A: A real bird of con-flict!
  9. Q: Why did the pigeon bring a breadcrumb to the art museum? A: He heard they had some amazing works of crumb-pressionism!
  10. Q: Where do pigeons go to gamble? A: Las Coo-gas!
  11. Q: What’s a pigeon’s favorite Shakespearean play? A: “Two Gentlemen of Ver-oona”!
  12. Q: What do you call a pigeon that delivers pizza? A: A wing-ing it delivery boy!
  13. Q: What do you get if you cross a pigeon with a magician? A: A bird that can make your car disappear… especially if you left crumbs on it!
  14. Q: What does a pigeon say after a successful business deal? A: “Coo-peration was key to this partnership!”
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Dad Jokes About Pigeon: Pun-Filled Quips

  1. Did you hear about the pigeon who was a card game enthusiast? He loved playing Bridge… under troubled waters.
  2. What music do pigeons listen to? Anything they can coo to!
  3. A pigeon walked into a bank and asked for a loan. The loan officer asked, “What’s your nest egg?”
  4. My wife says I’m obsessed with pigeons. I told her, “Don’t be ridiculous, that’s coo-coo!”
  5. I saw a pigeon wearing a tiny raincoat and boots. Guess he was prepared for some fowl weather.
  6. Why don’t pigeons ever get lost? They always have homing instincts!
  7. Two pigeons were arguing on a park bench. I said, “Hey, why don’t you just wing it and make up?”
  8. A pigeon stole my sandwich right out of my hand! I guess he had some fowl intentions.
  9. My son asked me what the opposite of a pigeon is. I told him, “An easy target!”
  10. How do you communicate with a pigeon? You use coo-rier services!
  11. I saw a pigeon walking down the street in a tuxedo. I thought, “That bird is looking quite dapper!”
  12. Why are pigeons such bad poker players? They always have a bird’s-eye view!
  13. Never try to tell a secret on a farm. The pigeons are always listening… and they have a lot of stool pigeons.
  14. I wanted to open a pigeon-themed bakery, but I couldn’t think of a good name. Any suggestions? I’m open to ideas… just like my bakery would be!

Pigeon Jokes and Puns for Kids

  1. Why did the pigeon cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
  2. What do you call a pigeon that delivers mail? A birdy mailman!
  3. Why did the pigeon get in trouble at school? He kept coo-ing all the answers! 😉
  4. What kind of music do pigeons love? Anything with a good beat to coo-coo their wings to! 🎶
  5. What’s a pigeon’s favorite game to play in the park? Duck, duck, GOOSE…I mean, pigeon! 🦆
  6. Why are pigeons such good storytellers? Because they always have a tail to tell! 🪶
  7. What do you get if you cross a pigeon and a woodpecker? A bird that can send text messages with its beak! 📱 🐦
  8. Why was the pigeon always late for school? He took the wrong flight path! 🏫
  9. What’s a pigeon’s favorite type of shoes? Flip-flops, of course! They love walking around barefoot! 🩴
  10. What do you call a pigeon that wins a race? A swift bird! 🏆
  11. Why are pigeons so good at bowling? Because they always get a strike with their little feet! 🎳
  12. What did the pigeon say to the statue? Hey, what’s your pigeon? Can I join you? 🐦
  13. How did the pigeon pass his driving test? He used his bird’s-eye view! 🚗
  14. Why did the pigeon get a job at the library? He was good at winging it when someone needed a book! 📚
  15. What do you call a group of pigeons singing together? A coo-ed choir! 🎤

Pigeon Jokes and Puns for Elders

  1. Why did the pigeon get a job at the library? It was a real page-turner for him; he finally had access to all the old newspapers!
  2. You know you’re getting old when… You remember when pigeons delivered more than just takeout leftovers.
  3. I saw a pigeon wearing a tiny beret and carrying a baguette today. I think he was part of that sourdough starter culture they’re all talking about.
  4. A pigeon landed on my chess board the other day. I guess you could say he really ruffled my feathers.
  5. What do you call a pigeon that can’t find its way home? Lost in the mail!
  6. My friend tried to convince me pigeons are just “rats with wings.” I told him that’s unfair… to pigeons. They have more refined taste in garbage.
  7. Why was the pigeon blocking the sidewalk? He was participating in a “sit-in” to protest the rising cost of birdseed!
  8. I saw a pigeon walking down the street wearing a tiny monocle. I think he was just trying to look fly.
  9. Why don’t pigeons ever get lost, even in big cities? They have innate GPS… they just follow their gut feelings (and any bread crumbs).
  10. Retirement is like being a pigeon. You spend most of your day looking for a decent place to eat and complaining about the younger generation.
  11. What’s the difference between a pigeon and a stockbroker? The pigeon can still leave a deposit on a BMW.
  12. Two pigeons were arguing on a statue. One says, “Don’t be such a birdbrain!” The other replies, “Well, you’re no spring chicken yourself!”
  13. Why are pigeons such bad poker players? They always have a bird’s-eye view.
  14. A pigeon walked into a bar and ordered a martini… shaken, not stirred, because he was afraid of a coo.
  15. My doctor told me I needed to lower my cholesterol. Apparently, eating like a pigeon isn’t the health food craze I thought it was.
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Pigeon Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media

  1. Why did the pigeon get fired from the library? He kept dewey-ing his business on the books! 📚
  2. Heard about the pigeon who opened a bakery? He specializes in “coo-kies!” 🍪
  3. A pigeon walks into a bar and struts up to the bartender. “Hey, got any bread crumbs?” he asks. The bartender sighs, “Look, I’ve told you a thousand times, we don’t serve food here!” 😠
  4. My friend tried to convince me pigeons are government drones… I told him that was just a conspiracy coo. 🤫
  5. Why was the pigeon always late for work? He kept getting lost in the coo-bicles! 🏢
  6. Found a lost wallet on the ground today. Definitely wasn’t empty… There were at least three bird bucks in there! 💸
  7. Went to a bird fashion show the other day… Let’s just say the pigeons were rocking some serious feather boas! ✨
  8. What do you call an angry pigeon? A feathered fury! 😡
  9. What’s a pigeon’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat! 🥁😂
  10. Why did the pigeon cross the playground? To get to the other slide! 😉
  11. You think traffic is bad? Try navigating the skies during rush hour with all these pigeons! 🚗🐦💥
  12. What did the pigeon say to the statue? “Hey, I’m a big fan of your work!” 🐦🎨

That’s All, Folks! Don’t Pigeon-hole These Jokes!

We hope these pigeon puns and jokes didn’t ruffle too many feathers! If you’re still looking for a good chuckle, be sure to fly on over to our website for even more hilarious puns and jokes. We’ve got a whole coop full of them!

Rabia Noreen & Team

Rabia Noreen: The Punnovator

Hi, I'm Rabia, the lead punster behind PunnyHub.com, alongside my incredible team. With a background in Comparative Literature, I specialize in turning phrases and crafting chuckles. My team and I are committed to delivering humor that not only entertains but enlightens. Every post we share is designed to sprinkle your day with laughter and a dash of wit. Find your Best Puns & Jokes.

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