145+ Bird Puns & Jokes: You’ll Tweet About These!

Get ready to have your feathers ruffled because you’ve stumbled upon the best🐦 list of bird puns and jokes on the internet! 😂 This hilarious compilation of avian humor is perfect for kids and adults alike. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 From clever wordplay to side-splitting punchlines, we’ve got all the funny bird jokes you need to make your day brighter than a peacock’s plumage. ✨ So, spread your wings and get ready to laugh! 🤣

Top ‘Bird Jokes’ – Best Picks

  1. Why did the bird get in trouble at school? Because it kept using fowl language!
  2. What do you call a bird that’s always in trouble? A jail-bird!
  3. What do you get if you cross a bird and a cow? A moos-quito!
  4. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk!
  5. What’s a bird’s favorite type of math? Owlgebra!
  6. Why are birds so good at poker? Because they always have a wing and a prayer!
  7. You hear about the bird that won an award? It was an owlstanding achievement!
  8. How do birds celebrate their birthday? They have a tweetheart!
  9. What do you get if you cross a woodpecker and a parrot? A bird that talks your ear off… and then drills a hole in it!
  10. Why did the flock of birds circle the airport? They were on standby!
  11. What does a mama bird say to her baby bird who’s about to leave the nest? “Feather you do, fly safe!”
  12. What do you call an owl who’s trying to be stealthy? A bird of prey-vacy.
  13. Why don’t birds use Instagram? They prefer Twitter!
  14. What do you say to comfort a sad pigeon? “Don’t worry, be happy… dove!”
  15. What’s a bird’s favorite Shakespeare play? “The Taming of the Wren”!
  16. How do you make a bird angry? Bird-er-ly tease it!
  17. Why did the bird get a job at the library? Because it had so many tales to tell!
  18. How did the bird pass its driving test? It had perfect wing-mirror control!
  19. What do you call a romantic bird? A tweetheart!
  20. What kind of music do birds listen to? Anything but owl music, it’s too slow!
Ultimate list and collection of Best Bird Jokes and Puns, One-liners, Dad Jokes, Funny Quotes, and Captions - Discover engaging and humorous content at PunnyHub.com

Clever ‘Bird Puns’ – Best Picks

  1. What do you call a bird that’s always in trouble? A jailbird…get it? Jailbird!
  2. Why did the bird get a job at the bank? It had excellent finchancial skills.
  3. Did you hear about the bird who won an award for his singing? He was outstanding in his field.
  4. Why are birds so good at poker? Because they always have a wing and a prayer.
  5. What’s a bird’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat.
  6. My friend said his parrot escaped, but it flew back home on its own. I guess you could say it had a change of heart.
  7. I met this bird who was a total grammar nerd. He kept correcting everyone’s fowl language.
  8. Why don’t birds use Instagram? They prefer Twitter.
  9. What do you call a bird that’s always losing its feathers? A bald eagle…wait a minute!
  10. I saw a bird carrying a wrench and a screwdriver. I think it was a robin mechanic.
  11. My friend tried to make birdseed soup. It was pretty seedy.
  12. Why did the bird get kicked out of the library? It kept tweeting spoilers!
  13. What do you call a bird that’s a pro at basketball? A swishty shooter.
  14. A bird walked into a bar… And then flew right back out. It was too chirpy in there.
  15. What’s a bird’s favorite Shakespeare play? Anything by Robin Hood.
  16. What’s a bird’s favorite type of math? Owlgebra.
  17. Why did the bird cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
  18. This bird walks into a library and asks for books about paranoia. The librarian whispers, “They’re right behind you!”
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Funny ‘Bird One-Liner Jokes’ – Short & Funny Bird Jokes

  1. Did you hear about the bird that won an award for his singing? He was out-standing in his field!
  2. What do you call a bird that loves to celebrate birthdays? A party animal!
  3. Why don’t birds use Twitter? They prefer Chirter!
  4. That bird magician is amazing, he really pulled a rabbit out of the hat! …Wait a second…
  5. A flock of crows is called a murder, but a group of owls is just too wise to commit any crimes.
  6. I saw a bird carrying a twig in its beak and a blueprint under its wing. Looks like someone’s ready to build a nest egg!
  7. Why do birds make terrible comedians? They keep winging it!
  8. Never try to outsmart a bird in a chess match. They’re real rookies!
  9. I used to date a hummingbird, but it just didn’t fly with my long-term plans.
  10. Birds are always in such good shape. Must be all that cardio!
  11. What does a lovesick pigeon say to his sweetheart? “Let’s coople up!”
  12. I tried to explain to a bird why it couldn’t borrow money. I told him, “You’re already heavily in debt!”
  13. That bird is such a drama queen, always creating a scene!
  14. I’m writing a book about all the famous birds in history. It’s a real page-turner!
  15. What did the bird say when he got lost in the maze? “Well, this is hawkward!”
  16. Always be kind to pigeons, they’re just trying to make a living!
  17. What did the bird use to write his love letter? A quill pen, of course!
  18. Why are birds so good at poker? They always know when to hold their cards and when to fold!
  19. You know you’ve become a crazy bird lady when you start naming your feather dusters!

Bird QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Bird

  1. Q: Why did the bird get a job at the library? A: Because he could really use a little bookworm!
  2. Q: What do you get if you cross a woodpecker and a homing pigeon? A: A bird that knocks on the door before delivering your messages!
  3. Q: What’s a bird’s favorite type of math? A: Owlgebra!
  4. Q: What did the romantic robin say to his sweetheart? A: “Let’s fly away together and build our nest on that tweet little hill!”
  5. Q: Why did the flock of birds fly south for the winter? A: It was too far to walk!
  6. Q: What kind of music do birds love to dance to? A: Anything with a good beat!
  7. Q: Why did the mama bird ground her teenage chick? A: He kept staying out owl night!
  8. Q: What do you call a bird that’s always afraid to take risks? A: A chicken!
  9. Q: What does a bird use to write a letter? A: A quill pen!
  10. Q: What did the bird say when he won the lottery? A: “I’m feeling chirpy today!”
  11. Q: How did the bird ace his history test? A: He had a bird’s-eye view of all the events!
  12. Q: What’s a bird’s favorite Shakespeare play? A: “The Owl and the Nightingale”
  13. Q: Why are birds so good at poker? A: They always have a wing and a prayer!
  14. Q: What do you get if you cross a bird and a kangaroo? A: I don’t know, but it sure can jump to conclusions!
  15. Q: What do you get if you cross a bird and a cat? A: A peeping Tom!
  16. Q: What kind of bird works at a construction site? A: A crane!
  17. Q: What did the bird say on his birthday? A: “Let’s have a tweet time!”
  18. Q: Why don’t birds share their food? A: Because they’re always pecking at their own plates!
  19. Q: What’s a bird’s favorite type of movie? A: Anything with lots of wing fights!
  20. Q: Why did the bird get a job as a traffic cop? A: He was good at directing traffic!

Dad Jokes About Bird: Pun-Filled Quips

  1. I tried to explain to my son why flamingos lift one leg… Turns out, it was a bit awk-ward.
  2. Did you hear about the bird that got in trouble at school? He was caught cheep-ing on his exams!
  3. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk! Plus, they’d need to pack a beak!
  4. What does a bird use to surf the internet? A bird-band!
  5. A magician made my parrot disappear. I guess you could say it vanished without a tweet.
  6. Why do owls have such big eyes? They like to see who’s around! You know, owl the better to see you with.
  7. What do you get if you cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon? A bird that knocks on the door when it delivers a message!
  8. I just bought a singing parrot, but it only knows one song. It keeps singing about some guy named Chirpy Chirpy…
  9. My wife told me to take the spider out instead of killing it. So I took it to the movies. It loved the new Spider-Bird-Man film!
  10. What do you call a bird that’s always getting into trouble? A jail-bird! Get it? Okay, okay, I’ll fly away now…
  11. Why are birds so good at poker? Because they always have a wing and a prayer!
  12. What musical instrument do birds play? The tweeter! Get it? It’s like Twitter, but for birds!
  13. I wanted to buy a camouflage bird feeder… But when I went back to the store, they’d all disappeared!
  14. I used to work at a bird sanctuary, but I got fired. Turns out, my position was for the birds.
  15. Two robins were sitting on a fence. One turned to the other and said, “I think I’m going to move to that tree over there. It has more twit-ter followers.”
  16. Happy Birthday to my favorite little bird! Even though you’re a year older, you’ll always be my little chick-adee!
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Bird Jokes and Puns for Kids

  1. Why did the bird get in trouble at school? Because he kept tweeting on his phone during class!
  2. What do you call a bird that’s always bumping into things? A tweety bird!
  3. Where do birds go when they need a new house? A nest-building society!
  4. What’s a bird’s favorite type of weather? Tweet weather!
  5. Why did the mommy bird scold her baby? He kept using fowl language!
  6. How do you get a one-armed bird to your side? You wing it!
  7. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk!
  8. What do you call a bird birthday party? A tweetheart celebration!
  9. Why are birds so good at poker? They always have a wing up their feathers!
  10. What do you get if you cross a bird and a cow? A milk shake!
  11. What do you call a flock of birds that love to sing? A tweet-up choir!
  12. What does a bird use to write with? A tweet-heart pen!
  13. Why don’t birds use email? They prefer tweeter!
  14. How do you know when a bird is happy? They tweet their little hearts out!
  15. What kind of bird works at a construction site? A crane!
  16. Why did the bird cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
  17. What did the bird say to the worm? “You’re looking chirpy today!”
  18. Why did the bird get a job at the library? He heard they had lots of stories to tweet about!

Bird Jokes and Puns for Adults

  1. Why did the ornithologist break up with the taxidermist? Because their relationship was for the birds!
  2. Heard about the bird that got arrested for robbery? Turns out he was a real jailbird, always after shiny objects!
  3. What do you get if you cross a parrot with a woodpecker? A bird that talks your ear off, then drills the point home!
  4. Why are birds so good at poker? Because they always have a wing and a prayer!
  5. Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay anymore? They heard it’s full of crabs!
  6. What do you call a bird that’s always getting into trouble? A jailbird, obviously! What else did you think I was going to say?
  7. A bird walks into a bar owned by Eminem… He says, “Give me two shots…”. The bartender cuts him off and says, “You only get one shot.” (plays on Eminem’s song “Lose Yourself”)
  8. My wife accused me of treating her like a bird. So, I took her out shopping for tweet clothes!
  9. You know, being a birdwatcher is tough these days. Especially when they start tweeting out their locations. Talk about ruining the chase!
  10. I met this ornithologist who could speak to birds. Impressive, right? Turns out, they were all stool pigeons!
  11. Tried to explain to a bird why “fowl” language isn’t appropriate. He just gave me this look like, “Dude, I literally eat worms.”
  12. Dating a bird is like being with a celebrity. Always hounded by paparazzi!
  13. What’s the difference between a bird and a bad golfer? One can soar with ease, the other just utters “fore” a lot!
  14. My friend quit his job at the birdseed factory. Said it was for the birds! I told him he needed to fly the coop long ago.
  15. Why don’t they play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs! And probably a few birds of prey in on it too.
  16. What do you call a group of owls that start a singing group? An owl-cappella group! They’re a real hoot!
  17. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk! Plus, think of the baggage fees.
  18. Went to a bird show the other day. Pretty disappointing. Only one bird showed up, guess you could say it was a solo performance.
  19. Heard about the bird that got a job as a programmer? Seems he was a real coding nightingale!
  20. Why don’t birds use dating apps? They prefer to meet naturally, on wingspan! Swiping right is so last season.
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Bird Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Other Social Media

  1. What do you call a bird that’s always in trouble? A jailbird! 😂🐦🚓
  2. Feeling down? Just remember: Every cloud has its silver lining, and every bird has its silver chirp up! 😉🐦☁️
  3. Started a band with some pigeons the other day. We’re called “The Birds and the Fleas.” We’re pretty fly for a bunch of street musicians! 😎🐦🎶
  4. My parrot’s learning to code. He’s really into object-oriented pigeonholing. 🐦💻
  5. What’s a bird’s favorite type of math? Owlgebra! 🦉🧮
  6. I tried to explain to a bird how Twitter works… It just gave me a blank stare. 🐦📱😳
  7. Just saw a flock of birds carrying bread crumbs. Guess they’re on their way to a fly-in picnic. 🐦🥖🧺
  8. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk! 🚶‍♂️🐦❄️
  9. What does a bird use to build its nest? Tweets from Home Depot! 🐦🏡
  10. How do you get a one-armed bird to your birthday party? You wing it! 🐦🎉
  11. A penguin walks into a doctor’s office… Says, “Doc, I think I’m coming down with something.” Doctor says, “Don’t worry, it’s just a bird flu going around.” 🐧🩺🤧
  12. Why are owls so good at delivering secrets? They’ve got the information down to a hoot. 🦉🤫
  13. What do you call an owl with a sore throat? A little hoarse! 🦉😩
  14. Why don’t birds use Tinder? They prefer natural selection. 🐦❤️🌳
  15. Two birds are sitting on a perch, and one says to the other: “Can you lend me five bucks?” The other bird replies, “Get out of here! You’re always tweeting before you think!” 🐦💸
  16. What do you call a bird that loves to party? A tweetheart! 🐦🥳🎉
  17. How do birds get to work? They take the crow train! 🐦🚄
  18. Why are seagulls always so loud and annoying? Because if they lived any closer to the beach, they’d be in the ocean! 🌊🐦

That’s All, Folks! Fly On Over to Funnier Content!

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Rabia Noreen & Team

Rabia Noreen: The Punnovator

Hi, I'm Rabia, the lead punster behind PunnyHub.com, alongside my incredible team. With a background in Comparative Literature, I specialize in turning phrases and crafting chuckles. My team and I are committed to delivering humor that not only entertains but enlightens. Every post we share is designed to sprinkle your day with laughter and a dash of wit. Find your Best Puns & Jokes.

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