108+ Fig Puns & Jokes: You’ve Fig-ured It Out!
Get ready to laugh your figs off! 😂 This isn’t your average fruit salad of jokes – we’ve peeled back the best, most a-peel-ing fig puns and jokes just for you. From clever wordplay to jokes that are figgin’ hilarious, this list has something for everyone, even jokes so silly they’re perfect for kids! So, are you fig-uring out what’s next? Let’s dive into a world of fig-tastic humor! 🤪
Top Fig Jokes – Best Picks
- Why don’t figs ever fight back? Because they’re always mellow.
- What’s a fig’s favorite dance move? The Fig-ure Eight!
- I tried to make fig jam last week… It was fig-ing impossible!
- Why did the fig get lost in the forest? It couldn’t leaf the path.
- You fig-ured out the answer to the riddle? That’s un-fig-ing-believable!
- What do you get when you cross a fig and a cow? A figment of your imagination!
- What’s it called when a fig becomes a musician? A fig-harpist!
- Did you hear about the fig who went to the costume party dressed as a prune? Everyone said he looked absolutely fig-in!
- Why are figs such bad dancers? They’ve got two left feet!
- Why did the fig cross the road? To prove it wasn’t a chicken!
- How do you make a fig shake? A fig-ment of your imagination!
- What’s a fig’s favorite musical? “Beauty and the Beet!”

Clever Fig Puns – Best Picks
- Why don’t figs ever fight back? Because they’re always fig-hting a losing battle.
- What did the fig say to the hater? “Yeah, well, that’s just your opinyan.”
- What’s a fig’s favorite dance move? The jig.
- You seem stressed. Want to hear two words that will instantly calm you down? Fig jam.
- I used to be addicted to fig newtons… But thankfully, I’ve fig-ured out a way to quit.
- Just saw a fig dressed as a pirate…He looked at me and said, “Ahoy, matey! Prepare to be boarded!” I think he might’ve mis-fig-ured something.
- What did the fig wear to the costume party? A dis-guise.
- What’s a fig’s favorite subject in school? Math, because they’re naturals at fig-uring things out.
- I tried to make fig jam the other day… It was a sticky situation.
- My friend said he wanted to open a bakery that only uses figs… I told him that sounded like a great fig-ure of speech.
- What do you call a group of figs that sing together? A fig-aro!
- Why did the fig blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.
- I tried explaining to my friend why figs are so great…But I don’t think he could quite grasp the con-fig-uration.
Funny Fig One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Fig Jokes
- I tried to make a fig-ure out of my earnings this month, but it was pointless.
- Why did the fig get a job at the library? It loved sorting by genre.
- You’re telling me a fig tree fell in the forest and no one was around to hear it? Sounds like a bit of a fig-ment of your imagination.
- Don’t get on my bad side. I’m always fig-hting.
- What’s a fig’s favorite dance move? The jig!
- Figs are excellent mathematicians. They’re always rounding things up.
- I tried to explain to my friend why his idea wouldn’t work. He just wouldn’t fig-ure it out.
- My new workout routine is fig-urative language. It’s all about the metaphors.
- A fig walks into a bar and says, “I’m looking for a date.” The bartender says, “Well, you’ve come to the right place – we serve dates here!”
- Why don’t figs ever win arguments? They’re always getting sidetracked by tangents.
- I’m starting a band called “The Figs.” We’re going to play punky, upbeat music. You could say we’re fig-eting.
- The fig entered the costume contest dressed as a grape. He thought he could really pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.
- My friend asked me to describe my ideal partner. I said, “Someone who enjoys long walks on the beach and fig-uring out puzzles.”
- Life is like a box of figs. You never know what you’re gonna get. Especially if someone’s been eating them.
- You’re looking fig-tastic today!
Fig QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Fig
- Q: Why didn’t the fig want to play cards with the prunes? A: Because they were raisin’ the stakes too high!
- Q: What do you call a fig who’s a detective? A: Sherlock Ohms! (Ohm is a unit of resistance, and figs… resist being eaten… sometimes!)
- Q: Why did the shy fig turn down a modeling contract? A: It wasn’t ready for the fig-ure-ative spotlight.
- Q: How do you find a lost fig? A: Follow the trail of fig-erprints!
- Q: What’s a fig’s favorite musical instrument? A: The fig-harmonica, of course!
- Q: Why are figs such bad dancers? A: They always get stuck in a jam!
- Q: What do you say when you’re unsure if something is a fig? A: “Fig-ure-atively speaking, I don’t know.”
- Q: Why did the fig quit his job? A: He was tired of feeling out of his element! (Figs grow on trees!)
- Q: What did the fig say to the grape during their tennis match? A: “Have a grape time, but prepare to be fig-ured out!”
- Q: How do you throw a fig party? A: You invite all your friends and tell them to “fig-ure out what to bring!”
- Q: What’s the opposite of a fig-ment of your imagination? A: A fig-ture of reality!
- Q: What’s a fig’s favorite type of music? A: Anything but heavy metal… they prefer a softer fig-ure!
- Q: What do you call a group of figs planning a surprise party? A: A fig-ment of your imagination… until they yell “Surprise!”
- Q: Why did the fig win an award for bravery? A: Because it faced its fears, even though it was fig-ured!
Dad Jokes About Fig: Pun-Filled Quips
- I tried to make fig jam last night, but I couldn’t quite fig-ure it out!
- What does a tough fig say to a bully? “Leaf me alone!”
- My kid asked me what my favorite fruit is. I said, “You’re lookin’ at him!”
- Did you hear about the fig who won an award? It was an out-stand-fig achievement!
- I used to work at a fig orchard, but I had to quit. Turns out I wasn’t cut out for the fig-or-ative language.
- Why are figs so easy to get along with? They’re always in-fig-nificant!
- Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a fig orchard? Because the figs have ears and they might leaf!
- What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato… who loves figs!
- Someone keeps stealing figs from my garden! The police said it’s a fig-ment of my imagination.
- Why are figs such good dancers? They’ve got the right fig-ure!
- How do you make a fig milkshake? A blender, ice cream… You know, the whole fig-a-ma-jig!
- What does a fig say when it’s excited? This is unbe-leaf-able!
Fig Jokes and Puns for Kids
- Why did the fig get a job at the library? Because it was great with fig-ures!
- What do you call a happy fig? A fig-tastic one!
- What did the fig say to its friend who was feeling down? “Hey, don’t worry, be fig-itive!”
- Why did the fig get sent to the principal’s office? For making a fig-et!
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? Fig. Fig who? Fig-ure it out yourself!
- What’s a fig’s favorite dance move? The fig-ure eight!
- Why are figs bad at hide-and-seek? Because they’re always fig-uring out where everyone is hiding!
- What do you get when you cross a fig with a dog? I don’t know, but it sure would have a “bark” worse than its bite!
- Why did the fig cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
- My friend said figs are easy to draw. I fig-ured he was right, it only took me a second!
- What’s a fig’s favorite school subject? Fig-ometry, of course!
- Why did the fig get a job at the bank? Because it was really good with fig-nanc-ial planning!
- What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato fig-uring out what to do!
- What did the fig say to the grape? “You’re looking grape-ful today!”
- Why don’t figs ever give up? Because they’re always fig-hting for what they believe in!
Fig Jokes and Puns for Elders
- Sophisticated Fig Funnies for Seniors:
- Why don’t figs ever gossip? Because they keep their dates wrapped up tight.
- A fig walks into a bar and orders a martini. As he’s paying, he says to the bartender, “You know, I used to be a raisin.” The bartender replies, “Well, you’ve come a long way, baby.”
- My retirement plan is just fig-ments of my imagination at this point.
- I tried to make fig jam last week. It was a sticky situation.
- What’s a fig’s favorite dance? The tango (tan-go).
- You know you’re getting old when… even the figs start looking wrinkled.
- My doctor told me to incorporate more figs into my diet. Now I’m fig-uring out how to afford them!
- I once knew a fig who was a successful stockbroker. He had a real knack for fig-uring out the market.
- My friend tried to tell me figs were berries. I said, “That’s bananas!”
- I used to work at a fig orchard, but I got canned. Turns out I wasn’t cut out for the preserving business.
- Why did the fig get a job at the library? It was a real page-turner.
- Life is like a bowl of figs… Sometimes you get a good one, sometimes you get a seedy one.
- I’m at that age where I can’t tell if I’m having a senior moment or if I just mis-placed my figs.
- Just saw a sign that said “Fresh Figs – $10 a pound.” Looks like I’ll be eating fig-uratively this week.
Fig Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media
- Why don’t figs ever win in gambling? Because they always get out-fig-ured! 😂
- I tried to make fig jam, but I think I used the wrong kind of figs. Now I have traffic fig jam! 😩
- You’re looking very fig-ured out today! Have you been working out? 💪
- What do you call a fig that’s also a detective? Sherlock Homeslice! 🕵️️
- I started a band called “The Figs.” We’re mostly a jam band. 🎶
- Just saw a fig walking down the street in a full suit. I guess you could say he was dressed to the fig-nines! 😎
- My friend told me figs are good for your eyesight. I guess seeing is be-leafing! 👀
- I’m so stressed, I could really use a vacation. Maybe a trip to the Bahamas-fig! 🏝️
- What do you get when you combine a fig and a cow? A moo-licious snack! 🐮
- Don’t tell anyone, but I think the fig tree has been branching out lately. It’s got some serious shade. 🤫
- My dog ate my homework and blamed it on the fig tree. What a fib-bing fig! 🐶
- Tried to make fig newtons, but I accidentally used concrete mix. Now they’re just fig-ments of my imagination. 😭
- Heard a rumor that figs are the latest TikTok trend. Guess I’ll have to fig-ure it out myself! 📱
- Life is like a box of figs… you never know what you’re gonna get, but it’s probably delicious. 😋
- This pun thread about figs? Totally fig-tastic! 💯
That’s All, Folks! Leaf Through These Fig-tastic Puns Again!
We hope these fig-tastic puns and jokes left you feeling anything but blue! If you’re still hungry for more laughs, be sure to explore the rest of our punny website. We’ve got jokes about every topic under the sun, from avocados to zebras (and everything in-between!).