96+ Nintendo Jokes & Puns: You’ll Switch to Laughing!

Get ready to laugh your joy-cons off because we’re about to dive into a treasure chest overflowing with Nintendo jokes! 😂 This isn’t just a list, it’s the BEST list of Nintendo puns and humor you’ll find – so clever, even Shigeru Miyamoto would crack a smile. 🎮 Whether you’re a kid or just a kid at heart, get ready for some seriously funny wordplay. Let’s-a-go! 🍄 🤣

Top Nintendo Jokes – Best Picks

  1. Why did the Nintendo game characters cross the road? To get to the other side quest!
  2. I tried to come up with a pun about the new Nintendo Switch OLED… But it’s just too brilliant!
  3. My friend said, “I’m so addicted to my Nintendo Switch, I think it’s becoming a problem.” I just shrugged and said, “What can you Wii do about it?”
  4. Why was the Nintendo DS always getting lost? Because it kept going on DS-adventures!
  5. I tried to explain the concept of online gaming to my grandpa. He looked confused and said, “So it’s like… visiting your neighbor, but they live in the Ninten-doghouse?”
  6. I’m starting a band called “The Cartridges.” Our first album is going to be Ninten-metal!
  7. What’s a pirate’s favorite Nintendo console? The Wii U, because they can steal all the booty!
  8. I saw a guy throwing his Nintendo Switch in the trash. I asked, “What’s wrong?” He said, “It keeps telling me I have corrupted data. What am I, a politician?”
  9. Why didn’t the Nintendo 64 want to go to school? It knew it would be 64-bit behind!
  10. What do you call a group of turtles who love playing Nintendo? A Shell-shocked crew!
  11. Why is it so hard to have a serious conversation with a Nintendo fan? They just reply with random sound effects!
  12. Why don’t they allow Nintendo Switches in church? They’re worried about people shouting “Game Over!” during the sermon. It would be a real sin-tendo!
  13. My friend named his Wiimote “Motivation” … because he knew he’d Wii never find it otherwise.
  14. What do you call it when Luigi wins a game of Mario Kart? A Luigi-miracle!
Ultimate collection of Best Nintendo Jokes and Puns, One-liners, Dad Jokes, Funny Quotes, and Captions - Discover engaging and humorous content at PunnyHub.com

Clever Nintendo Puns – Best Picks

  1. Nin-ten-don’t mind if I do! grabs another slice of pizza while playing Zelda 🍕
  2. I’m Nin-ten-totally obsessed with this new Mario Kart track! 🏁
  3. They said I couldn’t beat the boss. I proved them Nin-ten-wrong. 😎
  4. This game is so good, it’s Nin-ten-credible! ✨
  5. My love for Nintendo? It’s Nin-ten-sational! 💖
  6. I wanted to buy a PS5, but I’m Nin-ten-dreadfully broke. 😅
  7. Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my Nin-ten-joy. 🎶
  8. Is it just me, or is the battery life on the Switch Nin-ten-durable? 💪
  9. Trying to find a Nintendo Switch on launch day is Nin-ten-possible. 😥
  10. That feeling when you finally beat a difficult level? Nin-ten-lightening! 🤩
  11. My plan for the weekend? Nin-ten-doing anything but playing my Switch. …Just kidding! 😜
  12. Dating me is like owning a Nintendo Switch – Nin-ten-guaranteed to be a good time! 😉
  13. I’m so addicted to Animal Crossing, I’m practically Nin-ten-tangled with it. 🏝️
  14. Life is full of tough choices, like deciding which Nintendo game to play next. It’s a real Nin-ten-dillema. 🤔
  15. Nin-ten-definitely not sharing my snacks with you if you keep hogging the controller! 🍫
Related:  96+ Gate Jokes & Puns: You're Gonna Cackle-Gate!

Funny Nintendo One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Nintendo Jokes

  1. My friend said Nintendo was irrelevant and outdated. I told him that was Wii-diculous.
  2. What’s Mario’s favorite Nintendo console? The Wii U, because he can finally see himself in HD!
  3. Did you hear about the new Nintendo fitness game? It’s called Wii-Fit In, or Wii-Don’t!
  4. My friend keeps telling me to sell him my old Nintendo 64. I told him Nintend-no!
  5. I’m so good at Super Smash Bros., I’m basically a Nintend-legend.
  6. I’m not sure what’s more impressive, the graphics on the new Zelda game or the fact that Nintendo managed to Nintend-do it again.
  7. Can’t decide what to get for your friend’s birthday? You can’t go wrong with the Nintend-do-it-all console, the Switch!
  8. A kid asked me what the opposite of a Nintendo is. I said, “That’s easy, it’s a Play-outside-o!”
  9. Why didn’t the Nintendo console make it to work on time? It had a cartridge malfunction!
  10. I’m starting a Nintendo-themed band called “The Joy-Cons.” Our first single is called “Don’t Wii-mote Control Me.”
  11. Someone stole my limited edition Zelda Switch! I’m filing a police report for grand theft Nintend-auto.
  12. I’m so addicted to my Nintendo Switch, I’m starting to Nintend-dream about it.

Nintendo QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Nintendo

  1. Q: Why did the Nintendo Switch get invited to every party? A: Because it always knew how to “switch” things up and bring the fun!
  2. Q: What’s a Nintendo character’s favorite type of coffee? A: Waluigi-ato!
  3. Q: Why did Mario become a plumber? A: He heard Princess Peach was looking for someone to rescue her from her ‘water level.’
  4. Q: What do you call a group of Yoshis singing in harmony? A: A Yoshi-mphony Orchestra!
  5. Q: Why did Link fail his history test on the Hyrule Kings? A: He kept getting all the Zelda-tails mixed up!
  6. Q: What’s a Nintendo Switch’s favorite website? A: Reddi-twitch!
  7. Q: What’s the most “electrifying” Nintendo game? A: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wii-ld Charge!
  8. Q: Why did Donkey Kong quit his job at the banana factory? A: It was too ape-eling to resist becoming a Nintendo star!
  9. Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite mode on the Nintendo Switch? A: Boo-tooth mode!
  10. Q: How do you ask Luigi to go on a date? A: “Luigi, wanna go out and Mario-ke?”
  11. Q: Why is it so hard to trust a Metroid? A: They’re always morph-balling and changing!
  12. Q: How does Samus Aran make her coffee? A: With a Super Missile-toe!
  13. Q: Why don’t they let Bowser play board games anymore? A: He’s always trying to koopa- the fun!
  14. Q: What’s Kirby’s favorite dance move? A: The In-hale-a-turn!
  15. Q: What’s a Nintendo fan’s favorite day of the week? A: Super Mario-nday!
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Dad Jokes About Nintendo: Pun-Filled Quips

  1. I wanted to buy a vintage Nintendo, but the guy selling it kept Nintend-changing his mind about the price.
  2. My wife told me to take the Nintendo Switch out of its dock because it was hogging the TV. I said, “Don’t worry, it’s got a Joy-Con!”
  3. I tried explaining to my kids how we used to blow into Nintendo cartridges to make them work. They were blown away!
  4. Someone stole my limited-edition Zelda Nintendo Switch! Now that’s just Tri-forc-ible.
  5. Asked my kid if he wanted to go for a walk or play Nintendo. He said he couldn’t decide. Guess you could say he was Nintend-o-minded.
  6. My friend said he wanted to play a fighting game on the Switch, so I said, “Let’s get ready to Nintend-o Rumble!”
  7. My son wanted to know if Nintendo made kitchen appliances. I told him, “Only a Super Marioven!”
  8. The family was arguing over which game to play on the Nintendo. I told them, “C’mon guys, let’s not fight. This isn’t Super Smash Bros.”
  9. My son asked me what my favorite Nintendo console was. I said, “Wii-member the GameCube?”
  10. I hurt myself playing Wii Sports. My doctor said I had a Nintend-onitis!
  11. I told my kids if they cleaned their room, they could play their Nintendo Switch. You should’ve seen them, they were Nintend-on it!
  12. I tried to learn how to play the new Zelda game, but it’s too complicated. I guess I’m just Nintendont get it.
  13. I asked my kids if they had seen the new Mario movie. They said, “We Super Mario-ed it!”
  14. I went to sell my old Nintendo 64 at a pawn shop. The guy there took one look and said, “Sorry, I can’t accept this Nintendon’t.”
  15. My wife asked me what I wanted for our anniversary. I said, “You know, Honey, with you, every day feels like a Nintendo Switch launch day.”

Nintendo Jokes and Puns for Kids

  1. Why was the Nintendo Switch feeling sad? Because it couldn’t find its Joy-Cons!
  2. What’s a mushroom’s favorite Nintendo game? Super Mario Bro-ccolli!
  3. Why did the Nintendo DS get glasses? It couldn’t C-stick very well!
  4. What do you call a lazy kangaroo’s favorite Nintendo console? A Wii U… ’cause they love to “Wii”lax!
  5. Why did Link succeed in Nintendo school? He always used his Legend-ary skills!
  6. What happens when a Nintendo Switch throws a party? It’s a total console-bration!
  7. What do you call a funny Nintendo game? A Wii-lly good time!
  8. Why don’t they let Luigi cook in the Mushroom Kingdom? He’s always throwing shade!
  9. What kind of music does Mario listen to? Anything with a mush-room beat!
  10. Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Luigi. Luigi who? Luigi-ve me alone! I’m playing my Nintendo!
  11. I tried to think of a good Nintendo pun… But nothing came to mind-o!
  12. What did the ocean say to the Nintendo 3DS? Nothing, it just waved!
  13. Where does Mario store his extra coins? In a Toad-ally safe place!
  14. Why is Donkey Kong such a good friend? Because he’s always got your back (and bananas)!
  15. How do you make a Nintendo Switch milkshake? Give it a good shake, but don’t forget the Joy-Con-densed milk!

Nintendo Jokes and Puns for Elders

  1. My grandson tried to explain NFTs using Mario as an example. I told him, “That’s-a not how it works!”
  2. Retirement is like my old Nintendo cartridges – I blow on the contacts hoping for a bit more excitement.
  3. Back in my day, Nintendo was just two words: “Atari” and “better.”
  4. My doctor told me to get more exercise. Guess it’s time to dust off Wii Fit. At least I’ll die doing something familiar.
  5. What’s Link’s favorite senior citizen discount? The Legend of the Early Bird Special.
  6. They say gaming keeps your mind sharp. But after 30 years of Zelda, I’m still waiting for that Triforce of Wisdom to kick in.
  7. Heard they’re making a ‘Golden Years of Zelda’ game. Link finally battles Ganon, but they both keep forgetting what they’re doing.
  8. Nintendo online subscription? Now that’s a subscription service I wouldn’t mind forgetting to cancel.
  9. Remember when “Luigi’s Mansion” sounded scary? Now it just reminds me of my cleaning schedule.
  10. I just beat Dark Souls for the first time. It only took me slightly longer than my last hip replacement surgery.
  11. Kids today will never know the joy of untangling a NES controller cord. We had to earn our gaming back then.
  12. What’s Bowser’s least favorite retirement plan? 401-Koopas.
  13. Used to be, ‘Metroid’ was about exploring an alien planet. Now it’s what my knees do in the morning.
  14. They say youth is wasted on the young. If only they had Nintendo back then, they’d understand.
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Nintendo Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media

  1. “I’m starting to think my wife is a huge Nintendo fan… she keeps trying to buy me a Switch for every room.” 💍🕹️ #nintendo #marriagehumor
  2. “What’s Link’s favorite brand of air freshener?” “Legend of Zelda-breeze!” 🍃🗡️ #punny #breathofthewild
  3. “Mario and Luigi wanted to open a plumbing business but argued over the name. It got heated, you could say it was a… Super Mario Bros. Brawl.” 🥊🔧 #mariobros #nintendo
  4. I told my friend Animal Crossing was way too addictive… he just looked at me and said, “Don’t be Koi about it.” 🐠🤭 #AnimalCrossing #nintendoswitch
  5. “Thinking of starting a Nintendo boy band. I call them the ‘Cartridge Kings’.” 🎤👑 #nintendo #boyband
  6. “My wallet after buying a new Switch game and accessories…” Insert image of a deflated Goomba here 💰🍄 #nintendoswitch #relatable
  7. Why is Bowser always invited to poker night? He’s got a killer fire shell…and he always goes all in! 🔥🐢💰 #mariokart #nintendohumor
  8. “My grandpa says video games were better in his day. I just smiled and handed him my Switch controller. ‘Try me,’ I whispered.” 😎🕹️ #nintendo #generationgap
  9. “Life is like a Nintendo game, it’s full of adventure, challenges… and occasionally, someone throws a blue shell at you just before the finish line.” 🤬🐢 #mariokart #life
  10. “I tried explaining the plot of “Metroid Dread” to my friend, but I got tongue-tied. Guess you could say I…Chozo’d my words.” 😅👽 #metroiddread #nintendoswitch
  11. “What’s Link’s favorite tool for online meetings?” “Zoom, because he can finally say ‘See you later’ and actually mean it.” 🤪🗡️ #legendofzelda #nintendomemes

Game Over? Nah, Just Switch to More Jokes!

Hope these Nintendo jokes and puns gave you a Super Mario-sized laugh! Don’t let the pun fun end here, explore our website for more hilarious wordplay that’s sure to be a Wii bit of fun!

Rabia Noreen & Team

Rabia Noreen: The Punnovator

Hi, I'm Rabia, the lead punster behind PunnyHub.com, alongside my incredible team. With a background in Comparative Literature, I specialize in turning phrases and crafting chuckles. My team and I are committed to delivering humor that not only entertains but enlightens. Every post we share is designed to sprinkle your day with laughter and a dash of wit. Find your Best Puns & Jokes.

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