106+ Meditation Jokes & Puns: Find Your Inner LOL 😂

Hey there, meditation enthusiasts (and those who just really, REALLY like puns)! 🧘‍♀️😂 Get ready to laugh your chakras off because we have compiled the best list of meditation jokes and puns this side of enlightenment…or at least this side of your lunch break. This list has something for everyone, whether you’re a zen master or a total newbie. We’re talking clever, funny, and even some groaners so bad they’re good. 😉 We even threw in a few for kids! So get ready to find your inner comedian (and maybe even your inner peace) with these hilarious meditation jokes! 😂 🙏 😄

Top Meditation Jokes – Best Picks

  1. Why did the comedian start meditating? He wanted to reach an enlightened audience.
  2. I tried meditating for a year, but it didn’t work. Every time I closed my eyes, I couldn’t see what I was doing wrong!
  3. You know you’ve taken meditation too far when… You start levitating during an argument.
  4. Meditation instructor: “Clear your mind of all thoughts.” Me: “Finally, inner peace!” My brain: “Don’t forget to buy milk, do laundry, and call your mother!”
  5. What’s a Jedi’s favorite form of meditation? Use the Force, Luke.
  6. My therapist told me to try transcendental meditation. I told her I prefer to keep my meditations grounded in reality.
  7. What do you call a meditation class full of thieves? A room for con-templation.
  8. I started meditating twice a day. It hasn’t helped my stress levels, but now I’m incredibly aware of how many times I blink.
  9. My meditation app told me to imagine my happy place. So I pictured myself deleting the app.
  10. Meditation is like trying to empty a bucket full of thoughts, with a thimble, while your brain keeps refilling it with a fire hose. But hey, at least the water’s getting clearer, right?
  11. Did you hear about the monk who went to the bank wearing a ski mask? He wanted to achieve inner peace of mind.
  12. What’s the difference between meditation and procrastination? In meditation, you’re consciously doing nothing.
  13. I tried to explain meditation to a mosquito, but he just kept buzzing in my ear. Turns out, he was only interested in mind-fulness meditation.
  14. I tried meditating in a crowded coffee shop. It was so peaceful… until someone asked for my mantra latte.
  15. Never meditate with your eyes open in the woods. You might accidentally make eye contact with a squirrel and experience true nuttiness.
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Clever Meditation Puns – Best Picks

  1. I tried to explain to my friend the benefits of meditation, but he just wouldn’t hear it. He’s not very om for new ideas.
  2. My meditation app told me to find my inner peace. Turns out it was hiding in the fridge with a tub of ice cream.
  3. Reached a higher state of consciousness during meditation today. Turns out it was just the caffeine kicking in.
  4. Found myself singing along to meditation music. Guess you could say I was chanting my own tune.
  5. My dog is a natural at meditation. He’s a master of the downward-dog.
  6. Tried meditating in a crowded coffee shop today…turned out to be more of a latte frustration.
  7. My friend quit his job to open a meditation studio. Now he just sits around and makes incense.
  8. I’m so zen, I could sleep through a hurricane. Or maybe I’m just really good at meditation.
  9. My therapist told me to “be the ball.” I think he’s getting his meditation techniques mixed up with his sports analogies.
  10. What’s a meditating cat’s favorite pose? Anything that ends in a catnap.
  11. You know you’ve been meditating too long when even your thoughts start saying ‘om’.
  12. My friend started meditating to win arguments with his wife. He’s now reached a level of peace where he doesn’t even bother arguing anymore.
  13. Meditation is all about finding your inner peace. Or at least pretending you have some.
  14. I only meditate on weekdays. Weekends are for pro-caffeinating.
  15. Don’t meditate in the jungle. There’s too many cheetahs of mind.
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Funny Meditation One-Liner Jokes – Short & Funny Meditation Jokes

  1. I tried meditating by the ocean, but I got caught in the current events.
  2. My therapist told me to practice mindful meditation. Now I’m aware of how hungry I am all the time.
  3. I’m not saying I’m bad at meditation, but I fell asleep thinking about not thinking.
  4. My attempts at meditation are like my Wi-Fi signal: constantly interrupted.
  5. You know you’ve reached peak meditation when you can levitate… your expectations.
  6. Tried meditating with headphones, but I kept getting tangled in my thoughts.
  7. Meditation is great for inner peace… unless your inner peace is a raging party animal.
  8. My spirit animal is a meditating sloth. We’re both experts at doing nothing slowly.
  9. Found a meditation app that plays calming nature sounds. Unfortunately, I’m allergic to bees.
  10. My meditation mantra: “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think…aw, man, now I’m thinking about penguins.”
  11. Meditation is all about finding inner peace. Mine must be on a permanent vacation.
  12. I’m so zen, I can sleep through a guided meditation… wait, is that a good thing?
  13. Tried walking meditation, but my brain kept leaving me behind.
  14. Meditation: because sometimes, you just need a mental vacation from your mental vacation.

Meditation QnA Quip – QnA Jokes & Puns about Meditation

  1. Q: What’s a meditating cat’s favorite yoga pose? A: The ‘Meowmasana’.
  2. Q: Why did the comedian start meditating? A: He wanted to reach an enlightened state of mind… and material.
  3. Q: What did the cynic say to the meditation guru? A: “I’m not buying what you’re selling… especially since you’re giving it away for free.”
  4. Q: How do trees practice mindfulness? A: They take it one root at a time.
  5. Q: Why did the scarecrow win a meditation award? A: He was outstanding in his field.
  6. Q: What’s a meditation teacher’s favorite time of day? A: 6:30 AM… because, inner peace begins at precisely 6:31 AM.
  7. Q: Why don’t they play poker in the meditation retreat center? A: Too many people could see right through you.
  8. Q: How do you know you’ve reached peak meditation? A: You can finally let go… of trying to figure out if you’ve reached peak meditation.
  9. Q: What did the left brain say to the right brain during meditation? A: “Dude, for once, can you just chill out and let the ‘om’ happen?”
  10. Q: Why was the candle so enlightened? A: Because it meditated regularly and found its inner wick.
  11. Q: What’s a meditating mushroom’s catchphrase? A: “Stay grounded, friends.”
  12. Q: Why did the meditation app break up with the fitness app? A: It said, “You’re just too intense for me. I need some space.”
  13. Q: What’s the sound of one hand meditating? A: … (silence)
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Dad Jokes About Meditation: Pun-Filled Quips

  1. I tried meditating for 20 minutes today. Turns out, I’ve got an inner critic and he needs to chillax.
  2. My wife says I should try meditating. But I told her, “Honey, I’m already one with the couch.”
  3. You know what’s hard about meditating with kids? They always want to know what’s for inner peace.
  4. I think meditation is overrated. You can achieve the same result by just staring blankly into space. It’s called meditating lite.
  5. My doctor told me to meditate. So I sat down and thought about all the things I shouldn’t be eating. Turns out, that’s fooditation.
  6. I wanted to try underwater meditation, but I couldn’t find a scuba doobie-doo.
  7. My friend told me he found inner peace through meditation. I told him that’s great, but did he look behind the couch cushions?
  8. Meditation is all about finding your center. Unless you’re playing basketball, then it’s about winning the tip-off.
  9. What do you call a meditating cat? In a state of purr-vana.
  10. Meditation is great and all, but have you ever tried procaffeinating? It’s like regular procrastination, but with more coffee.
  11. I tried to explain meditation to my dog. He just stared at me blankly and then chased his tail. I guess that’s his version of finding inner peace.
  12. What’s a Jedi’s favorite place to meditate? Anywhere on the Darth Side… it’s got a better view.
  13. My neighbor has been meditating for so long, I think he’s starting to levitate. Either that, or he’s just really good at hiding from his kids.
  14. I’m not saying I’m good at meditating, but I can totally ohm on demand.

Meditation Jokes and Puns for Kids

  1. Why did the little tree love meditation? It helped him find his inner peace! 🌳🕊️
  2. What do you call a cow that meditates? A calmoo! 🐮🧘‍♀️
  3. What did the meditation teacher say to the noisy class? “Let’s all try to be a little more present!” 🎁
  4. Where do frogs like to meditate? On lily pads, of course! They’re very Zen-terpieces! 🐸🪷
  5. Why is meditation like a balloon? Because when you let go of your worries, you float! 🎈
  6. Why did the scarecrow win a meditation award? He was outstanding in his field! 🌾🥇
  7. What did the ocean say to the meditator? “Just go with the flow.” 🌊
  8. What kind of music do they play during meditation? Anything soothing, like whale music! 🎶🐋
  9. You know you’ve been meditating too long when… your goldfish starts giving you advice! 🐠🧠
  10. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Meditate. Meditate who? Meditate to yourself! It’s good for you! 😂😁
  11. What’s a teddy bear’s favorite type of meditation? Stuffed animal meditation! 🐻🧸
  12. Why was the math book sad after meditation? He had too many problems! 📚😔
  13. How do you know if a tree is good at meditation? It has a really Zen expression! 😌🌳
  14. Remember kids, meditation is like a superpower… it helps you find the calm in any storm! 💪🌦️🌈

Meditation Jokes and Puns for Elders

  1. My doctor told me to try meditation to manage my anger. Turns out, it’s really difficult to yell “Serenity Now!” calmly.
  2. I tried meditating with my smartphone… Turns out I had way too many notifications.
  3. Why did the old man enjoy meditating in the garden? He found it very grounding.
  4. Meditation is all the rage these days. I’m so zen, I haven’t even started it yet.
  5. My friend keeps telling me to embrace my inner child. After years of meditation, I finally found him… He’s still mad I wouldn’t buy him that candy.
  6. Heard they opened a meditation center in a refurbished bank. They’re really trying to attract that inner peace market.
  7. I tried to explain mindfulness to a mosquito… It was a complete waste of time and blood.
  8. Retirement is great for meditation. Finally, I have the time to contemplate why I didn’t save more money.
  9. My wife got me noise-canceling headphones for meditation. Funny thing is, I could still hear her nagging.
  10. They say meditation can help you find yourself. At my age, I just hope I don’t find any more of me.
  11. Finding it hard to focus on my meditation. My mind keeps wandering…to the fridge. Guess my inner peace needs snacks.
  12. Reached a state of pure enlightenment during meditation. Turns out it was just a nap.
  13. Remember when we used to call it “staring into space”? Now it’s “mindfulness” and they charge you for it.
  14. Meditation instructor: “Focus on your breathing, let go of your thoughts.” Me: “My knee replacement surgery is tomorrow…”
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Meditation Puns and Jokes for Reddit & Social Media

  1. Just tried meditating for the first time. Turns out I’m terrible at it. My mind wandered everywhere… (pause for effect) It was awful.
  2. My brain during meditation be like: “Inner peace? More like inner piece of pizza, am I right?” 🍕
  3. My bank account after buying all the meditation gear: currently experiencing emptiness. 🧘‍♂️💸
  4. You know you’ve reached peak meditation when you can finally answer the question: “What am I doing with my life?” …with silence. 😌
  5. Meditation is all about finding your inner peace… and then realizing your inner peace is just really good at hiding. 🕵️‍♀️🧠
  6. Started meditating to escape my problems. Now my problems meditate with me. They even brought snacks. 😩
  7. I tried meditating in a hammock… I achieved a higher state of being. Literally.
  8. Me trying to explain to my dog why I’m sitting cross-legged on the floor making weird breathing noises: “It’s called meditation, Sparky. Look it up.” 🐶🤔
  9. Me after 5 seconds of meditation: “Okay, universe, I’m ready for my enlightenment NOW.” 🧘‍♀️⚡
  10. Meditation is like trying to convince a toddler to nap. Except the toddler is your mind, and the nap is enlightenment. Good luck with that. 🙃
  11. Found a meditation app that claims to “open your third eye.” All it opened was targeted advertising. 🙄
  12. What do you call a sheep that meditates? Aware-wolf in sheep’s clothing. 🐑🧘
  13. I’m not saying meditation is life-changing, but… I did find twenty bucks in my pocket I didn’t know I had. 🙏💰

Namaste Away From These Puns For Now

We hope these meditation jokes and puns brought a smile to your face! Remember, laughter is a form of internal sunshine, no meditation cushion required. Keep exploring our website for more hilariously punny content that’s guaranteed to enlighten your day!

Rabia Noreen & Team

Rabia Noreen: The Punnovator

Hi, I'm Rabia, the lead punster behind PunnyHub.com, alongside my incredible team. With a background in Comparative Literature, I specialize in turning phrases and crafting chuckles. My team and I are committed to delivering humor that not only entertains but enlightens. Every post we share is designed to sprinkle your day with laughter and a dash of wit. Find your Best Puns & Jokes.

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